Quiz Bahasa Inggris Things in the Classroom

quiz bahasa inggris things in the school

Selamat datang di quiz bahasa Inggris Things in the Classroom! Quiz ini akan mengetes pemahaman kamu tentang materi sebelumnya yaitu materi Things in the Classroom. Terdapat 15 soal dengan berbagai jenis pertanyaan seperti pilhan ganda, essai, true/false, dan jawaban lebih dari satu. Selamat mengerjakan!

Soal Pilihan Ganda

  1. What is the furniture that students sit on in the classroom?
    a. Desk
    b. Chair
    c. Whiteboard
    d. Bookshelf
  2. What is the board that teachers write on in the classroom?
    a. Desk
    b. Chair
    c. Whiteboard
    d. Bookshelf
  3. What is the piece of furniture where students keep their books and supplies?
    a. Desk
    b. Chair
    c. Whiteboard
    d. Bookshelf
  4. What is the piece of furniture where books are kept?
    a. Desk
    b. Chair
    c. Whiteboard
    d. Bookshelf
  5. What is the object used for erasing writings on the whiteboard?
    a. Pencil
    b. Pen
    c. Chalk
    d. Eraser
  6. What is the device used for projecting images or videos in the classroom?
    a. Computer
    b. Television
    c. Projector
    d. Speaker
  7. What is the piece of furniture where teachers keep their personal belongings?
    a. Desk
    b. Chair
    c. Whiteboard
    d. Bookshelf


  1. True or False: A whiteboard is a blackboard.
    a. True
    b. False
  2. True or False: A desk is a piece of furniture where students sit.
    a. True
    b. False
  3. True or False: A chair is a piece of furniture where teachers write.
    a. True
    b. False

Jawaban Lebih dari Satu

  1. Which of the following are objects commonly found in the classroom? (Choose all that apply)
    a. Desk
    b. Chair
    c. Television
    d. Bookshelf
  2. Which of the following are writing tools used in the classroom? (Choose all that apply)
    a. Pencil
    b. Pen
    c. Chalk
    d. Marker


  1. What is the electronic device used to display visual information in the classroom?
  2. What is the tool used for writing on the whiteboard?
  3. Name one thing you can find in a classroom.

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Waktu mengerjakan quiz bahasa Inggris telah habis! Coba lagi lain waktu!

1 / 15

A whiteboard is a blackboard.

2 / 15

What is the tool used for writing on the whiteboard?

3 / 15

What is the piece of furniture where books are kept?

4 / 15

A desk is a piece of furniture where students sit.

5 / 15

Which of the following are writing tools used in the classroom? (Choose all that apply)

6 / 15

What is the piece of furniture where teachers keep their personal belongings?

7 / 15

A chair is a piece of furniture where teachers write.

8 / 15

Which of the following are objects commonly found in the classroom? (Choose all that apply)

9 / 15

Name one thing you can find in a classroom.

10 / 15

What is the furniture that students sit on in the classroom?

11 / 15

What is the device used for projecting images or videos in the classroom?

12 / 15

What is the object used for erasing writings on the whiteboard?

13 / 15

What is the electronic device used to display visual information in the classroom?

14 / 15

What is the board that teachers write on in the classroom?

15 / 15

What is the piece of furniture where students keep their books and supplies?

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Selamat! Kamu telah menyelesaikan quiz tentang “Things in the Classroom”. Semoga quiz ini dapat membantu meningkatkan pemahaman kamu tentang materi Things at Classroom, termasuk menambah vocabulary tentang benda-benda dalam kelas, serta meningkatkan listening dan speaking.

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